Create stunning images
with AI on our website

Unleash your creative potential with this Stable Diffusion toolkit

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Fast and Powerful UI for Stable Diffusion

Accessing invokeAI via the cloud, without installation or expensive GPUs

Spread AI Example UI

Make professional images with
customizable tools

Fast Stable Diffusion Generation

  • Create beautiful images in minutes instead of hours

  • Edit and tweak your images until they're perfect

  • Generate multiple versions of images from a single prompt to choose from

Spread AI feature number 1

Lives in the Cloud

  • Speed up your image editing process by 10X

  • Edit your images directly in the browser

  • No more waiting for local machines to finish processing

Spread AI feature number 2

The Unified Canvas

  • Streamline your image generation process in a unified workflow

  • Bounding-box guided image generation for simple manipulation

  • Quick review and image selection in staging area

Spread AI feature number 3

Created from

SpreadAI is built on the solid foundation of an open-source project, and its creators deserve all the credit. If you have a powerful machine, download and run locally from here.

Made with

spread ai
Showcase example 1
Showcase example 2
Showcase example 3
Showcase example 4
Showcase example 1
Showcase example 2
Showcase example 3
Showcase example 4
Showcase example 5
Showcase example 6


SpreadAI utilizes the front end system developed by InvokeAI. To learn more about this system, you can refer to their tutorial available at

We recognize that custom models would provide users with greater flexibility in creating images, and we plan to add this feature in the near future.

We value your concerns about inappropriate content on the internet. If you come across any NSFW (not safe for work) material while using our image generation service, please let us know by contacting us at

According to our terms of service, the images created by other users on SpreadAI belong to them.

No, we have no association with the InvokeAI entity.

Generate an image with AI now

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